Monday, June 24, 2013

Freshen up your day with Honey Mint Lime Water

What do you want to drink in a hot summer day ? Personally, I do prefer something fresh icy cold drink with twist of fruits. Though so many artificial juice drinks out there, a homemade summer drink is much better and healthier. Because it doesn't consist artificial flavor, artificial color, artificial sweetener nor preservatives. So, it's safer for our body.

When I was a kid, my mom used lime juice and soybean ketchup for cough remedy. And, I use that method too to my son whenever he has cough. Like any other mother, I choose natural remedies for my family. I always keep in my mind to be more aware to the signs given by my body. Tired or achy, just go to bed early and take a nap. It's probably my body need a rest. Then I will feel fresh and better when I wake up.



If you're a hot spicy food lover, this drink will sooth your throat. Just like Sundanese foods I ate last week, sayur asem, deep fried salted fish, bean sprout stir fry and spicy shrimp paste sambal with squeezed lime. I ordered iced lime water for my drink, my son and I liked it. So, I made the healthier version by replacing sugar with honey. I checked some lime water recipes before finally making this one. I love how people combined lime water with ginger, lemon grass, soda, cucumber and fruit slices. Since this was my first attempt, I tried with only honey, mint leaves and no soda. It came out nice and I plan to make it again with a twist.




  1. Refreshing and delightful! A great drink.



  2. waaaa, ada resep baru. kapan2 nyontek ya mbak tika. kliatannya suwegeeer bgt. oyaaah, itu wadah2nya cantik bener. beli di mana mbak? kemaren sempet nyari2 di ace hardware gandaria city, tp nggak ada yang kek gitu. huhu..

    1. Boleh....silakan dicoba resepnya. Segeeeerrr.
      Itu botol2nya ga beli di Indonesia, saya beli dari luar.

  3. Looks so refreshing, I love mint, lately I put it in every dish-))

  4. Seger deh kayaknya minum minuman itu apalagi pas cuaca panas di tambahin sama es nya ..
    beuh....seger deh pastinya ..


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