Who hates chocolate ? The answer is my husband. He said he's not a sweet tooth and he just love anything fried, such as pastel, bakwan goreng, risol, tahu goreng and many more. In the other hand, I love sweetness and absolutely I love chocolate brownies.
I've never made chocolate brownies before, but since I couldn't wipe off the image of chocolate melt brownies I saw on the internet, I put myself courageously to make one. After searching, googling and do a little research (if you don't mind), I found the famous chocolate brownies recipe. It's Nigel Slater Chocolate Brownies and of course with melted chocolate inside.
The inside part of this brownies is a bit runny, and yummy :D Everyone who loves chocolate and sweetness, will love this cake. So, here's the recipe. I just copy- paste from Sticky Steps.
Ingredients :
300g brown caster sugar
250g softened butter
250g of the best chocolate you can get (darker is better and aim for ~70% cocoa solids)
3 large eggs plus the yolk of another egg
100g plain flour (Nigel uses 60g)
60g of good cocoa powder
1tspn baking powder
How to :
1) Preheat the oven to 180C
2) Line a large baking tin (23cm) with baking paper
3) Cream the sugar and butter with a mixer until white and fluffy
300g brown caster sugar
250g softened butter
250g of the best chocolate you can get (darker is better and aim for ~70% cocoa solids)
3 large eggs plus the yolk of another egg
100g plain flour (Nigel uses 60g)
60g of good cocoa powder
1tspn baking powder
How to :
1) Preheat the oven to 180C
2) Line a large baking tin (23cm) with baking paper
3) Cream the sugar and butter with a mixer until white and fluffy
4) Melt 200g of the chocolate and chop the remaining 50g into small pieces or “gravel” put this aside.
5) Lightly beat the egg mixture and introduce to the creamed sugar/butter slowly with the beater running slowly until combined.
6) Pour in the molten chocolate and fold with a spoon. Add in the chopped chocolate bits.
7) Sift in the dry ingredients and fold in with spoon gently as to not knock any air out.
5) Lightly beat the egg mixture and introduce to the creamed sugar/butter slowly with the beater running slowly until combined.
6) Pour in the molten chocolate and fold with a spoon. Add in the chopped chocolate bits.
7) Sift in the dry ingredients and fold in with spoon gently as to not knock any air out.
Come on everyone, don't you want to make one ?
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahan :
300 gr gula kastor
250 gr mentega tawar
250 gr dark cooking chocolate
3 butir telur + 1 kuning telur
60 gr terigu
60 gr coklat bubuk
1 sdt baking powder
Cara :
1. Panaskan oven dengan suhu 180 C
2. Alasi loyang 23 cm dengan kertas minyak
3. Kocok dengan mixer, mentega dan gula kastor sampai putih dan halus
4. Lelehkan 200 gr dark cooking coklat dengan cara ditim, sisihkan 50 gr untuk dipotong-potong kecil.
5. Kocok telur dengan garpu, lalu masukan ke adonan mentega secara perlahan sambil terus di-mixer sampai rata
6. Masukan coklat yang sudah dilelehkan ke dalam adonan dan aduk dengan spatula. Tambahkan lagi dengan sisa cokalt yang sudah dipotong-potong.
7. Campurkan terigu, coklat bubuk dan baking powder ke dalam adonan.
8. Setelah rata, masukan ke dalam loyang dan siap dipanggang.
have a nice try, and enjoy.....