Monday, November 19, 2012

Food Photos : Random

I'm addicted to Pinterest ! Finding food photos that wowed me and left me breathless for a second, sometimes even more, pinned them to my board and let everyone see how good those photos are. Today, I picked 5 amazing food photos I found from Pinterest. They all caught my eyes with beautiful food styling and its gorgeous lighting. Check them yourself and fall in love !

Hot chocolate and a muffin - Aisha Yusaf

Chocolate - Mónica Pinto

Molasses cookies with ginger cream cheese filling - Kristin Rosenau

Lemony Quark Tarts - Laksmi W

Walnuts - Stuart Ovenden


  1. Gorgeous pictures! I love them all.



  2. Wow! They are stunning! And inspiring of course, just like yours :D *pengen diajarin motret dong sama mbak Tikaaaa T_____T

    1. Waaahhh...Tata, barteran sama diajarin bikin bento yaaa.

  3. omg where have i been?! haha! Been out of the loop for so long but one thing hasn't change, I still love your photos Tika! And I'm addicted to Pinterest too for so long now. Not just food photography, but the DIYs, beauty tips and well, everything else! LOL! Miss you dear! Have a great holidays!


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