Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chocolate to try : Self-saucing chocolate pudding

(Homemade) - Self-saucing chocolate pudding

Chocoholic is someone who is addiction to chocolate. Test yourself to know how chocoholic you are on Chocoholic Test. I've tested myself and came up with "Chocoholic Tendencies" :p How about you ?


I remember when my son had ordered a chocolate ice drink from a café, took a sip of it and then he refused to drink it again. When I asked him why, he said "This drink is too bitter, I don't like it !". But it was tasted fine in my tongue. So, I replied him with "This is not bitter. It's creamy, chocolatey and sweet !". How come my hubby and my son said the drink was bitter while it was okay for me ? Dunno :D I'm also easily attracted to chocolate cake, cookies, brownies, pudding recipes.


I have listed down some best looking and interesting recipes with chocolate as the main ingredient and I can't wait to try them one by one. I'm planning to post one recipe of chocolate each month (I named it with "Chocolate to try" event) and share it to another chocoholic friends out there. For the first strike, I chose Self-saucing chocolate pudding from Donna Hay. It caught my attention right away ! The pudding is soft and dense. At this point, I recommend this recipe to anyone who loves chocolate.

Click to enlarge




  1. Waaaaah Mbak Tika, kayaknya nyoklat banget ni pudingnya *ngiler* . Mbak Tika pake cokelat bubuk merk apa? and kalo ngga ada hazelnut meal bisa pake almond bubuk gak ya?

  2. Gorgeous chocolate puddings! Incredibly droolworthy and sinful...



  3. @Hesti : kalo merknya lupa Hes, pokoknya yang kardusnya putih coklat itu. Apa tuh merknya ? :D Kalo ga ada hezelnut meal coba diganti pake almond bubuk. :P
    @Rosa : thank you... :)

  4. Wow...looks extremely yum....feel like grabbing one right from the screen...

  5. ok, skrg tau kl mau ngasih oleh2 buat kamu is chocolateeee..:-) aku sendiri mkn coklat (batang or permen) cuma kl urgent aja, bisa bertahun2 tuh coklat bertahan dirumah, kl ga dimakan ma suami..heheehhe

  6. Hahaha....boleh dikirimin kok, Dian. Kirimkan coklatmu kepada yang berhak :p

  7. Tika,I have no words but Gorgeous... ! You have to do a post on photography for mere mortals like us :) Seriously !

  8. Thanks so much Farwin. I have done a post of my food photography for Lubna of Yummy Food. It'll be up on her blog in early next month.

  9. Hands down I am a chocoholic and hands down this looks like the most amazing pudding ever! I WILL be making this. I love your pictures too.

  10. I'm one of the chocoholic!! Beautiful photos!! :)

  11. Here is a funny thing about me. I don;t like chocolate BUT i like anything made with chocolate. Like cake or ice cream or pudding!!! This recipe is a keeper and I am so gonna make it. You are making me drool Tika :)

  12. Oh myyy gooodness! I want one of those! seriously! They look so dark and velvety! Just gorgeous!


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