Monday, March 26, 2012

idfb Challenge #4 : Sambal Pencit / Unripe mango sambal

Did I ever mention that I like hot food a lot ? For me, eating without sambal is not complete ! It's like something is missing. During my childhood, making sambal for family dinner was my responsibility. Shrimp paste sambal (sambal terasi), tomato sambal (sambal tomat), tempe sambal or tofu sambal (sambal tahu). The last two are my dad's recipes. His tempe sambal and tofu sambal is the best. :)

(Homemade) - Unripe mango for sambal pencit

Grinding chilies together with sambal ingredients using mortar and pestle is still my preference rather than using blender. It's traditional yet the sambal has a specific texture. The basic ingredient of sambal is, of course, chili. Mixed with any of various ingredients, like tomato, shrimp paste, kaffir lime, shallot, garlic, peanut, etc. Each region has its own sambal with particular style.

(Homemade) - Sambal Pencit / Unripe mango sambal

Pencit is Javanese language for unripe mango. Sambal pencit or unripe mango sambal can be eaten with grilled fish, grilled duck or grilled chicken. I remember of a restaurant that sells grilled fish with tomato sambal and sambal pencit. I love the combination of sour from unripe mango, hot from chilies and a little of sweetness from sugar.


This post is my entry for IDFB Challenge#4 "Sambal" and IFP (Indonesian Food Party)




  1. Hot food rocks! That sambal looks and sounds wonderful.



  2. Wah langsung ngeces nih aku...
    MBak Tika, kalau boleh tau sambel ini daerah mana ya?? lucu namanya ^^ kalau di daerahku namanya racak racak mangga. Kadang terasinya diganti dengan rebon...

    1. Dari Jawa Tengah. Pencit itu bahasa Jawa artinya mangga muda. :)

  3. Hallo mbak Tika saya suka banget ngintip kesini...keren-keren poto sama resepnya....

    sambeeelll...aduh paporit bangettt..
    kalo di jawa barat kayaknya ga ada yah sambel mangga, paling sambel terasi aja ga pake mangga..atau sambel oncom, tempe, teri, sambel leunca, kacang...dll...
    saya sndr kalo sambel mangga blm pernah nyobain...^^

    1. *Blushing :D
      Thanks ya udah mampir-mampir, Ini sambal rada unik, kalo ditambah gula merah jad rujak mangga serut :p

  4. Tika...
    dari dulu kepengen bikin sambal mangga ini belum juga keturutan...
    seger bener nih..

    1. Ayooo..bikiiinn...guampang banget kan. Sekalian bikin ikan bakarnya :p

  5. Do you know we make something much similar in this mango season....but adding shrimp paste is very new to the recipe card's simply awesome recipe...

  6. I heard about it from Aisha Yusaf. She said her grandma used to make something like this from unripe mango. :)


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