Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah who has given us a chance to meet Ramadhan again this time. Hope Allah will always give us health to fast in Ramadhan. Amiin.
On August 17, we will be celebrating Indonesia Independence Day. I am more than happy to feature this
Kolang-Kaling Compote or
Manisan Kolang-Kaling for the special day with red and white theme.
Hey, do you
see the badge above ?
Lubna Karim, my dear fellow foodie blogger who has been very kind running
Joy from Fasting to Feasting IV event, has invited all foodie blogger to join the event. Just as I promised to her, I'll join the event for sure !
Kolang-kaling is the immature fruits of sugar palm tree. There are some processes before kolang-kaling safe to be consumed. Start with boiling the fruits to harden the soft jelly like flesh, squeezed out using sticks, soaked and washed in several changes of water for few days. Then the hard flesh called kolang-kaling was ready for market.
Since kolang-kaling easily found during Ramadhan, please don't hesitate to try this recipe with kolang-kaling as the main ingredient. We also could make appetizer with kolang-kaling such as kolak, compote or mix it with some other fruits and shredded ice for iftar.
Ingredients :
- 500 gr kolang kaling
- 5 kaffir lime leaves, teared
- 2 pandan leaves, knotted
- 200 gr sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon food coloring (red)
- 1 liter water
Syrup :
- 300 gr sugar
- 500 ml water
- 2 cm cinnamon bark
- 2 pandan leaves, knotted
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
How to :
1. Rinse kolang-kaling with clean water. Drain
2. Bring water, kolang-kaling, kaffir lime leaves and pandan to boil.
3. Add sugar and food coloring. Cook kolang-kaling until water is reduced and kolang-kaling turned red. Remove from the heat. Rinse with clean water and drain.
4. SYRUP, in a saucepan, bring to boil all the ingredients until slightly thick.
5. Add in kolang-kaling and cook over low heat until the water almost runs out. Remove from the heat.
6. Let it cool. Place in a sealed container and refrigerate.
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahan :
- 500 gr kolang kaling
- 5 lembar daun jeruk, buang tulang daunnya
- 2 lembar daun pandan, buat simpul
- 200 gr gula pasir
- 1/2 sdt pewarna makanan merah
- 1 liter air
Sirup :
- 300 gr gula pasir
- 500 ml air
- 2 cm kayu manis
- 2 lembar daun pandan
- 1/8 sdt garam
Cara :
1. Cuci bersih kolang kaling. Tiriskan.
2. Rebus air, kolang kaling, daun jeruk dan daun pandan sampai mendidih.
3. Masukkan gula pasir dan pewarna. Masak sampai kolang kaling berwarna merah dan airnya meresap. Angkat dan tiriskan. Cuci bersih. Tiriskan.
4. SIRUP, rebus air, gula pasir, kayu manis, daun pandan dan garam sampai kental.
5. Masukkan kolang kaling. Masak di atas api kecil sampai airnya hampir habis / tinggal sedikit dan mengental.
6. Angkat dan sajikan dingin.