I don't know if you are familiar with this fruit or not, but I will explain a little bit about it. Horse mango or kweni or kuweni or kuwini is a mango variety often found in Guam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The fruit is light orange in colour and juicy sweet when ripe. The tree flowers throughout the year and the flowers too are strongly scented with its fragrance. The sap on unripe kweni fruits is poisonous. (Wikipedia)
This Horse mango sorbet is one of Indonesian traditional dessert from Madiun, East Java. I know I'm not a sorbet kind of person. But this sorbet is not like any other sorbets you've known (I mean in presentation !). You don't need to make puree from this fruit and also you don't need to freeze it in the fridge before being served.
Horse Mango Sorbet
makes 4
Ingredients :
- 3 (400 gr) ripe horse mango, washed, peeled and seeded
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 150 gr sugar
- 1 liter water
- 400 gr shredded ice
How to :
1. Cut the horse mangoes into small cubes. Set aside.
2. In a sauce pan, boil water, salt and sugar still evenly until sugar dissolved. Remove from the heat. Add the horse mango cubes if the water is warm enough. Allow it to cool.
3. Serve with shredded ice.
Bahasa Indonesia
Serbat Kweni
4 porsi
Bahan :
- 3 buah (400 gr) mangga kweni, kupas dan pisahkan dari biji.
- 1/8 sdt garam
- 150 gr gula pasir
- 1 liter air
- 400 gr es serut untuk pelengkap
Cara :
1. Potong-potong kecil mangga kweni. Sisihkan.
2. Rebus air, garam dan gula pasir sambil diaduk sampai gula larut. Biarkan hangat. Masukkan mangga. Biarkan dingin.
3. Sajikan dengan es serut.
Enjoy ....
That drink/dessert looks deliciously refreshing! I've never heard of horse mango before.