Thursday, March 21, 2013

A great loss and Avocado pudding

Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun - Truly we belong to Allah and truly to Him shall we return.

March 12, 2013, at 2.40 AM, my dad passed away in peace. It's a great loss for us as a family and it hit me really bad. No sign, no last message and the worst is "I wasn't there to be with him in the last time of his life". Last time I called him was in the afternoon the day before he died, he said "I'm fine". He tried to make me calm and it worked. Nine days after he died and I still shed my tears whenever I think of him.


Three days before my dad died, my sister-in-law died from breast cancer. She had been struggling with cancer for more than three years. She was one of the nicest person I have ever met. I lost two important person in my life in 3 days. My prayers for Papa and Kak Ati (sister-in-law), may Allah bless your souls and give you all the best place in Jannah (heaven). Aamiin.

Nothing much to say this time. Yet, from old photos archive, here are the photos of Avocado pudding. It's quite simple and delicious. I got the original recipe from Roger Mooking from Everyday Exotic. Enjoy......

(Homemade) - Avocado Pudding


  1. Wunderful and so original! I really have to try avocado in desserts...



  2. My condolences for your loss. Hope you can find some peace at this difficult time.
    I just found your blog. It is a beautiful place.

    1. Thanks for your sympathy, Sharmila. Glad you found my blog and I'm happy you liked it. :)

  3. This avocado pudding sound delicious! And as always, your photos are beautiful! :)

  4. Also, sorry about your dad and sis-in-law. Sending some positive thoughts your way!

  5. Mbak Tika, turut berduka cita for your great losses. Saya juga nggak kebayang gimana rasanya kehilangan 2 orang dekat dalam waktu singkat. Semoga Mbak Tika dan keluarga selalu diberi ketabahan. Semoga memory indah bersama ayahanda selalu lekat di hati. Amiin

    1. Thanks Hesti. Doa dan support dari teman2 sangat membantu buat saya. :)

  6. Deepest condolences.... to both of your losses. Semoga roh mereka ditempatkan bersama orang2 yg soleh.

  7. turut berduka cita mbak tika....
    semoga arwah mereka di tempatkan di sisi orang beriman ..aminnn
    dan keluarga yang di tinggalkan di beri ketabahan....
    salam dr dumai...:)

  8. My condolences Tika and I'm so so sorry for your losses. Stay strong x

  9. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rooji'un... turut berduka cita mba... semoga amal ibadah beliau diterima oleh Allah SWT dan mendapat balasan surga terbaik...

  10. I'm really sorry to hear about your dad, Tika, takziah buat Tika sekeluarga. Doa-doa kan tabah ya.

  11. My condolences for your loss. May Allah grant your dad and sister-in-law Jannatul Firdaus. My dad passed away almost 21 years ago and I still shed tears. May Allah give you and your family the strength and patience to overcome the pain.

    1. Thanks so much Lail. Aamiin ya Rabbal 'alamiin.
      May Almighty Allah grant your father Jannatul Firdaus as well.

  12. love the pictures! very beautiful!
    anyway please check my blog i'm a newbie! :)


  13. Innalillahi wa inna illaihi rojiun...

    *peyuk teteh....

  14. ​السَّلاَÙ…ُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙƒُÙ…ْ ÙˆَرَØ­ْÙ…َØ©ُ اللهِ ÙˆَبَرَÙƒَاتُÙ‡ُ
    Mbak..bahasa indonesia na ada gak...maklumlah..ilmu na msh kurang..

    1. Kurleb begini cara bikinnya :

      1. Tuang 1/4 cup susu ke mangkuk, taburkan gelatin bubuk (kalo saya pake gelatin lembaran yang halal 3 lembar, sebelumnya direndam dulu di dalam air lalu setelah layu, diperas dan campurkan ke dalam susu).
      2. Panaskan sisa susu di atas api kecil, jangan sampai mendidih. Lalu tuangkan ke campuran susu dan gelatin.
      3. Blender alpukat, kulit lemon zest, garam dan susu kental manis, tambahkan campuran susu. Blender sampai halus.
      4. Tuang ke dalam beberapa gelas, tutup dengan plastik , dinginkan 1 jam. Kalau mau dimakan, bisa tambahkan parutan coklat.

      Mudah2an berhasil yaaa...

  15. Please accept my deepest condolence to you and your family in the loss of your dad and sister in law. Salam Takziah...

  16. Mbak Tika....turut berduka cita ya...Semoga beliau mendapatkan tempat terbaik disisi-Nya

  17. I'm very sorry to hear about the loss . Your strength of character and sense of pride will help you through this sad time. Please accept my deepest condolences your family's loss. May dad and your sister in law memories be eternal.


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