33 photos have been submitted to DMBLGiT July 2012 Edition and all of them are available to be viewed in the gallery. First of all, as the host, I want to thank everyone who has sent their food/drink photos to this event. Second, as one of the judges, I need 4 more judges to help me score all entries. Therefore, I gathered them together to get the final result. I'm sure it's not an easy job to do. Here, we have a panel of incredible judges from different countries, with their own style and sense in food photography. Let's meet the judges !
Ira Rodrigues
This beautiful lady lives in the island of God, Bali, Indonesia. She has strong earthy style in her food photos. Cooking Tackle is the place where she keeps her recipes, story and her beautifully styled photographs. Reach her on Flickr, Twitter or Facebook.Food photography tips :
Photographing food need your
honesty. If you are honest, the styling and creativity that you are
trying to frame would truly show your heart and art. Try to run a bit loose in styling to make the picture look natural or not overly organized.
Thorsten Kraska

I love his professional looking food photography since the first time I learned food photography. He is a food photographer based in Bonn, Germany, the man behind My2Penn'orth and he also started Food Photography Club on Flickr.
Food photography tips :
The light is the tool we use to realize our ideas in food photography.
And depending on your ideas and what you want to achive you will choose
the light source. Experiment, practice, learn by try and error. Take a look at more photos and learn from them. To read more of food photography tips, please read Photography
Kulsum Kunwa
I'm falling hard for her food photography lately. A Kuwait based freelance food photographer, a wife of one, the owner and contributor of Journey Kitchen and a Master's Degree Student. She determined to cook Indian home cooking and producing beautiful and breathtaking pictures. Keep in touch with her on Flickr, twitter and Facebook.
Food photography tips :
Your camera is your friend. Start loving it and exploring it. Carry
it wherever you go, even if the photos are not going to make it to your
blog or else where. Let it be your creative outlet and fuel your sense
of imagination. Apart from getting light, focus and other technical
aspects right, its even more important to be having fun. Learn the rules
and don't be afraid to break them.
Xiaolu Hu
A Chinese-American girl living in USA, talented baker, food photographer, food stylist and has won several DMBLGiT awards. Her passion for food and photography can be seen in her blog 6bittersweets. She is pursuing her dream to have a career in nutrition. Don't hesitate to ask about her recipes or her food photography, because she will help you instantly. Get her updates on twitter and Flickr.Food photography tips :
First, you want to be careful in preparing/presenting the food to make sure it looks appealing. Many factors big and small can enhance the look of the food. For example, if using veggies, make sure they're fresh. Spritz a little water on things if they should look moist but are drying up. If photographing something cooked, pick the best pieces and make sure they're positioned at an angle that's attractive. At the same time, it's often best not to make the food look too "pretty" or "perfect". A little messiness or anything that adds a human touch (a bite taken, crumpled napkin, etc.) often makes the shot more relate able and mouthwatering. Lastly, I encourage budding photographers to have a mood and look (a "story" so to speak) in mind when preparing to photograph. And to include something of themselves in their photography. Whether it's propping, composition, light etc. Don't be afraid to play around and develop your own unique style.
Hope the best ones win !
Great judges! I can't wait to see the results.
waiting for the results.... great judges :-)