Onde-onde is one of Indonesian traditional dessert. As I read from the internet, there is the same dish named Onde-onde in Malaysia. But when I read the recipe, the filling of Malaysian onde-onde is palm sugar. Naaa ... in Indonesia we called Malaysian onde-onde with Klepon :)
I made this recipe by using my leftover peeled mung bean. Though it was my first onde-onde I ever made, but the taste is delicious :p. I decided to make onde-onde in the size of small balls, so I don't need to open wide my mouth if I want to eat them.
Let's make some !!
I made this recipe by using my leftover peeled mung bean. Though it was my first onde-onde I ever made, but the taste is delicious :p. I decided to make onde-onde in the size of small balls, so I don't need to open wide my mouth if I want to eat them.
Let's make some !!
Onde-onde kacang hijau / Javanese style fried sesame seed balls
Ingredients :
- 250 gr glutinous rice flour, sifted
- 75 gr peeled potato, boiled until tender (20-30 minutes). When cool enough to handle, mash the potato
- 40 gr granulated sugar
- 75 ml coconut milk, boiled.
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- sesame seeds
- vegetable oil for frying
Filling :
- 150 gr peeled mung bean, soak for 1 hour, then steam for 30 minutes. Softened and mashed. (mung bean paste)
- 75 gr granulated sugar
- 50 ml coconut milk
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt
- 2 pandan leaves
How to :
1. Mix glutinous rice flour, mashed potato, sugar and salt. Add coconut milk a little at a time, until well blended. Knead the dough lightly until it is firm, smooth and pliable but not sticky to the touch. Set aside.
2. Place mung bean paste, sugar, salt, coconut milk and pandan leaves in a saucepan, over medium heat. Stir well until dry. Move from the heat. Let it cool down. If the filling already cool then form into balls.
3. Take a small piece of dough, shape into a ball. Roll the balls, make a hole in the center. Put in the mung bean filling then roll again.
4. Roll the balls in sesame seeds.
5. Heat oil over medium heat and deep-fry the balls for 4-5 minutes until the sesame seeds turn golden.
6. Remove from the heat and drain well on absorbent kitchen paper.
Ingredients :
- 250 gr glutinous rice flour, sifted
- 75 gr peeled potato, boiled until tender (20-30 minutes). When cool enough to handle, mash the potato
- 40 gr granulated sugar
- 75 ml coconut milk, boiled.
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- sesame seeds
- vegetable oil for frying
Filling :
- 150 gr peeled mung bean, soak for 1 hour, then steam for 30 minutes. Softened and mashed. (mung bean paste)
- 75 gr granulated sugar
- 50 ml coconut milk
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt
- 2 pandan leaves
How to :
1. Mix glutinous rice flour, mashed potato, sugar and salt. Add coconut milk a little at a time, until well blended. Knead the dough lightly until it is firm, smooth and pliable but not sticky to the touch. Set aside.
2. Place mung bean paste, sugar, salt, coconut milk and pandan leaves in a saucepan, over medium heat. Stir well until dry. Move from the heat. Let it cool down. If the filling already cool then form into balls.
3. Take a small piece of dough, shape into a ball. Roll the balls, make a hole in the center. Put in the mung bean filling then roll again.
4. Roll the balls in sesame seeds.
5. Heat oil over medium heat and deep-fry the balls for 4-5 minutes until the sesame seeds turn golden.
6. Remove from the heat and drain well on absorbent kitchen paper.
Bahasa Indonesia
Onde-onde kacang hijau
Bahan :
- 250 gr tepung ketan
- 75 gr kentang kukus, kupas dan haluskan
- 40 gr gula pasir
- 75 ml santan panas
- 1/2 sdt garam
- wijen untuk kulit luar
- minyak untuk menggoreng
Isi :
- 150 gr kacang hijau kupas, rendam 1 jam, kukus dan haluskan
- 75 gr gula pasir
- 50 ml santan
- 1/4 sdt garam
- 2 lembar daun pandan
Cara membuat :
1. Campur tepung ketan, kentang, gula, garam, santan sedikit-sedikit sambil diuleni sampai bisa dipulung. Sisihkan.
2. Masak adonan isi sampai kental. Dinginkan. Lalu bentuk bulat kecil-kecil.
3. Ambil sedikit adonan, dibentuk bulat. Buat lubang di tengahnya dan beri bulatan adonan isi . Rapatkan dan bentuk bulat.
4. Gulingkan di wijen.
5. Goreng dalam minyak panas sedang sambil dibalik-balik sampai mengapung.
6. Angkat dan tiriskan.
You can read behind the scene story here
Onde-onde kacang hijau
Bahan :
- 250 gr tepung ketan
- 75 gr kentang kukus, kupas dan haluskan
- 40 gr gula pasir
- 75 ml santan panas
- 1/2 sdt garam
- wijen untuk kulit luar
- minyak untuk menggoreng
Isi :
- 150 gr kacang hijau kupas, rendam 1 jam, kukus dan haluskan
- 75 gr gula pasir
- 50 ml santan
- 1/4 sdt garam
- 2 lembar daun pandan
Cara membuat :
1. Campur tepung ketan, kentang, gula, garam, santan sedikit-sedikit sambil diuleni sampai bisa dipulung. Sisihkan.
2. Masak adonan isi sampai kental. Dinginkan. Lalu bentuk bulat kecil-kecil.
3. Ambil sedikit adonan, dibentuk bulat. Buat lubang di tengahnya dan beri bulatan adonan isi . Rapatkan dan bentuk bulat.
4. Gulingkan di wijen.
5. Goreng dalam minyak panas sedang sambil dibalik-balik sampai mengapung.
6. Angkat dan tiriskan.
You can read behind the scene story here